Thursday, June 30, 2011

Freedom party with Lindsay Lohan and Emile Hirsch!

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She wastes no time our dear Lindsay! The actress who spent 35 days assigned to his residence without being unable to leave, has paid trafficking yesterday by going out with friends, including
the delightful actor Emile Hirsch at the Lexington restaurant Social House! Since when are they friends? Jealousy! The actress visited the restaurant after spending the day doing community service at the Women's Center in Los Angeles! Good girl!

Lindsay was originally sentenciƩe to three years probation, 120 days in jail and 480 hours of community service for stealing a necklace in a shop in Los Angeles! Hope that this was his last contact with the law!

To see pictures of the starlet he left the restaurant with Emile Hirsch, CLICK HERE!

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